Road to Business Intelligence Analyst career

2 min readJun 13, 2022


A little experience from a BI with 8 years of experience :)

What is Business Intelligence?

A simple definition of Business Intelligence would be: frameworks which enables corporations to explore, analyze, and model large amounts of complex data towards one major goal “improve business performance”.

What are BI roles?

  1. Data analysis: Use databases, statistics and to find out what happened, track performance, pull the answers from the datasets, uncover trends
  2. Reporting: Turn data analysis into visual representations such as charts, graphs and share with Stakeholders so they can draw conclusions and make decisions
  3. Subject matter expert: Have a deep understanding of the business and how it works with current data to figure out how to solve problems or optimize with numbers
  4. Story-telling and inspiration: Find and tell a data-driven story, help end-users -including those from non-data backgrounds understand the significance of the data and make better decisions or influence others more effectively

BI will work with many departments: Commercial, Sales, Marketing, Operations, Finance, Products with different tasks to improve business performance.

Daily life of BI

Kind of questions that BI receive and ask themselves every day

  • I (Boss) am thinking of doing ABCDE, can we reach the target of this month from those actions?
  • On that list of ABCDE, what influences our business the most? What should we do first?
  • Why do we have to do this? Why do we need to improve those? What is the impact is?
  • Why did that metric increase in April and down in May? What happened?

Is being a Business Intelligence Analyst fun?

You will be a little tired when trying to cook data and failing over and over again, not being able to debug your code, can not figure out any insight, working with people who are “lazy and refuse to understand” the numbers.

But, every cloud has a silver lining!

You will be very exciting when giving useful advices to Stakeholders and getting recognized, writing clean code and get accurate results, inspiring others through numbers and contributing into business growth.

And, how to start a BI career?

Read the second part here




Growth & Business Intelligence Manager @ Fintech and Ecommerce